Full Service Hotel WiFi Solutions

“I’d give this place 5 stars, if the WiFi weren’t so bad.” Don’t let this happen to your hotel. Guests may be temporary, but online reviews stay forever. Whether you manage a hotel, motel, resort, inn, or bed and breakfast, your guests expect to be able to connect to high-speed Internet. Lucky for you, hotel WiFi solutions have evolved from being expensive, unreliable and exclusive to only the largest chains to becoming extraordinarily affordable and very dependable.

Made By WiFi combines affordable enterprise grade wireless equipment from manufacturers like Ruckus Wireless with 24/7 support, decades of industry know-how and a network management system that automates billing and eliminates the need to hire on-site technical staff to deliver the best WiFi solutions for hotels. Our hospitality WiFi solutions meet guest demands and generate revenue for hotel operators.

Hotel Wireless Network Design Services

Deploying a robust wireless system in a hotel takes time and proper planning. Choosing the right hospitality WiFi provider is key. After all, you want to make sure that you are purchasing a custom solution meant for your specific needs and not a cookie-cutter solution that’s offered to any hotel that requests WiFi. When we deliver a hotel WiFi solution, we follow a tried and true process. We recommend hotel owners do the same when purchasing their first hotel wireless system or replacing an old one:

Step 1: Conduct a Hotel Wireless Site Survey – A wireless site survey should always be conducted prior to deploying a hotel WiFi network. A site survey is essential to determine proper access point placement, equipment quantities and configuration requirements. Your hotel WiFi solution is like a living organism and needs to be regularly checked-on to make sure it is operating at maximum efficiency. Experts recommend performing a site survey at your hotel at least once every two years, as changes in the surroundings, like newly erected structures or nearby wireless networks, can negatively impact your wireless network performance.

Step 2: Consider Hotel Wireless Network Design – Once the site survey is complete, it’s time to design the hotel wireless network. A well-planned network design takes site survey findings as well as the hotel’s budgetary requirements and end goals into account. While Made By WiFi is happy to work with budgets of all sizes, we never advise sacrificing quality in order to save money and recommend purchasing new equipment that will perform optimally with today’s devices.

Step 3: Perform a Hotel Wireless Installation – Just as your cleaning staff heeds the “Do not disturb” sign, our biggest goal for the installation process is not to be disruptive. Some hotels have off-seasons where guests are not at the property and equipment can be easily installed. Other hotels operate 24/7/365, which calls for some creativity with the installation process. We can work alongside your hotel’s maintenance staff or can manage union members to complete the installation based on your property’s requirements. Our team will work at odd hours to make sure that we meet installation deadlines and pose the least disruption to your hotel’s business operations.

Step 4: Secure the Hotel Wireless Network – Your commitment to ensuring guests’ comfort goes beyond providing sheets with high thread counts and clean towels. Security is a huge concern when using public networks, like those in hotels. Your guests want to make sure that they are connected to a network that safeguards their personal information. Guests can sleep soundly at hotels serviced by Made By WiFi. We enable per device virtual local area networks (VLANs) on every hotel WiFi network we deploy. As the name implies, a per device VLAN places each device in its own virtual network, disabling communication with other devices connected to the network. This nearly eliminates the possibility of an internal security breach. We encourage all of our hotel customers to advertise their secure network to potential guests—it’s a huge selling point.

Step 5: Trust Wireless Network Support – We strive for perfection when delivering a hotel wireless network solution but technology is not perfect and, despite our best efforts, sometimes, issues arise. Being in the hospitality industry, you regularly service guests from all around the world who carry international devices that may not work properly over every wireless network. Whether it’s a malfunctioning access point or an end user device that’s having trouble connecting to the network, Made By WiFi is available 24/7 to support your wireless network and any issues your guests’ devices may run into.

Step 6: Benefit from a Hotel Splash Page – Not all rooms may have an ocean view, but your hotel can certainly make a splash – page that is. The splash page acts as a gateway to the Internet. It helps regulate the network and allows your guests to purchase Internet service packages, without having to bother hotel staff or posses any technical expertise. Better yet, the splash page is seen by any user that wants to access the web. In the age of #vacation pictures this is likely every guest. This near 100% impression rate makes the splash page ideal advertising space for nearby restaurants or businesses.

High Speed Hotel WiFi Solutions

Trusted by hotels of all sizes, our hospitality WiFi solutions are designed to optimize network performance, drive revenue and keep overhead low. Made By WiFi offers everything you need to install, manage and support a full enterprise grade hotel wireless network. For more information, call or email one of our wireless specialists today.

Categories: Solutions